Summer visit to Yale
Dr. Apul completed his summer visit to Yale University with the help of Fortner Group hospitality. The teams have created a framework towards making SPIONs for water and wastewater treatment.
Dr. Apul completed his summer visit to Yale University with the help of Fortner Group hospitality. The teams have created a framework towards making SPIONs for water and wastewater treatment.
Our group published three articles with the leadership of Dilara (Environmental Science and Technology and Chemical Engineering and Science) and Sonia (Biointerphases). The research products were a result of collaborations between Yale, Middle East Technical University, Arizona State University and UMaine researchers. Congratulations to all.
Dr. Apul received the 2023 early career research recognition
Ph.D. student Dilara and Dr. Apul published a STOTEN article in collaboration with Dr. Perreault. The article is titled: "Modified linear solvation energy relationships for adsorption of perfluorocarboxylic acids by microplastics". Kudos to Dilara.
Apul Group was awarded $150k to study the PFAS leaching mechanism from exhausted granular activated carbons. The study will be a collaboration between Dr. Venkatesan of Stony Brook and Dr. Saleh of UT Austin.
Apul group in collaboration with Hanigan Group at University of Nevada Reno is awarded $500,000 to study thermal regeneration of PFAS-laden granular activated carbons. Kudos to the team!
Apul Group is awarded $1.1M ($750k federal share) to investigate nanobubble-based water treatment technologies in space. The team will have two rocket launches, zero-gravity tests, and CubeSAT reactor designs. The project is lead by UMaine (Apul and Abedi) and has partnership with Arizona State University (Sergi Garcia-Segura) and University of Southern Maine (Ashanti Maxworth).
Our group members Dr. Sudheera Yaparatne and Mr. Ashton Collins presented their works on nanobubble aeration and microplastic leachate, respectively. Kudos to both!
Sudheera Yaparatne and Dr. Apul co-authors an article accepted in nature partner journal Clean Water with NASA and ASU researchers. The article is lead by Dr. Tuna Yildirim and it is reporting the "unexpected" stability of nanobubbles from a physicists perspective. Kudos to all
Eliza Costigan has an article accepted in Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances with two of our group members i.e., Ashton Collins and Dilara Hatinoglu. The article is titled: "Adsorption of Organic Pollutants by Microplastics: Overview of A Dissonant Literature". Other collaborators include Jean MacRae of UMaine, Francois Perreault and Kartik Bhagat of Arizona State.